Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pears Watercolor Painting

Pears watercolor painting (7.75 x 7.75) is done on Sennelier watercolor paper - a great paper to work on.   There is a March challenge from the group reading the book The Artists Way, by Julia Cameron and I've tried to figure out how I can use this for one of the phrases.....but it's just not going to work.   Some of the phrases:  at the end of the rainbow ( I thought because they're so golden in color) ..... or the wrong side of the tracks (because of those background lines).....    Too much of a stretch?  ...and speaking of stretching your mind......
"Once the mind has been stretched by a new
idea, it will never again return to its original size."

Please see the paintings purchasing information for some general information about pricing, or email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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