Friday, September 11, 2009

Painting a Dog a Day by Kimberly Kelly Santini

From the "Sunday Driver" series of paintings, this is "Driving Ms Whitey." This painting is 6" x 8", acrylic on canvasboard, depicting a mixed breed rescue. You can bring Whitey home to your wall for $324. Inquiries may come to me.

Well, the 49th Annual Thumb Area Artists Exhibition got juried and hung earlier this week and we are ready for tonight's opening (Starkweather Gallery in Romeo, Michigan, from 6-8pm). And yesterday I spent serving jury duty (or rather, editing Volume Two of the Painting a Dog a Day books while sitting in the county courthouse). So today was a true gift, getting to come into the studio after the morning rush of loading kids onto various buses.

It was wonderful to lose myself in the rhythm of painting after far too many days away from the easel. I completed this little piece of Whitey, a sweet girl who loves car rides (doesn't she look relaxed?!), and blocked in a larger multi-dog painting on stretched linen (which I'll share next week).

Can you see the smile on my face? it's a mile wide - feels SO good to be back to my routine.
Don't forget to earn your chance to win a Dog a Day painting in time for the holidays. If you missed it, you can learn how here.

Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.

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