Monday, November 16, 2009

Pomegranate and Blue Tin by Marilyn M King

"Pomegranate and Blue Tin"

5"x 7" Oil on gessoed board.

This painting is really a tribute to the artist Jullian Merrow-Smith.
When I first began discovering other contemporary artists on the internet, he was one of the first that I fell in love with. I am still greatly influenced by his work. In fact, in a few of his earlier still lifes he painted an aged blue tin that I adored. I spent a year looking for a similar one in thrift and antique stores.

About five months ago I bought a brand new tin that was the unpainted natural tin. I banged and dented it and then painted with spray paint the exact color that I desired. Scraping and chipping the paint a bit prepared it for a stay outdoors in the flowerbed to hopefully rust in those raw spots. After outside for several weeks I was disappointed in the amount of rust, so I soaked it in water for three days. I am now the proud owner of a Julian Merrow-Smith blue tin knock off. Oh yeah, I painted a pomegranate too.

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