Monday, May 18, 2009

"The Pathway of Life" ~ 20"x16" A Painting a Day Hudson River School Landscapes by Connie Tom

This scene reminded me somewhat of our journey through this life. You can't see around the next bend. There are fences up sometimes. We're enclosed by circumstances bigger than ourselves. There are bumps, rocks, and sometimes the way seems tilted. This reminds me that God is ultimately in control and we are to so totally trust Him. Our part is to keep walking on, keep following the path, and to enjoy the journey. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed painting it! ~ Connie

Special Note from Artist: I chose this painting to post today, as it is my first day back to work. So to all that thought I must have dropped off the face of the earth... I haven't. I'm still here. We have had an entourage of storms in our area, the last being the worst by far. This was the worst storm I have ever been in in my life! We had they said tornadic straight-line winds from 85 to 120 mph. We were blessed to get out alive, my son and his friend and I, of which I thank God for. Huge limbs of trees were crashing all around us as we were trying to get out. I lost two huge big old trees that had been in the family for years. An old oak tree that was approx. 5' across in was like the wind just layed it over and uprooted and all. The same thing on a cedar tree that was approx. 100' tall I'm guessing. It lifted up a large section of the roof up over my van and crashed it down out by the road. Needless to say, there was much devastation to deal with.. broken windows, siding, ...broken glass, pink insulation. I am hundreds of emails behind. Please do not worry if you have commissioned a painting. My computer did not get hurt and I still have all my information. There is no way I can answer all the emails and "paint". So I thought this would be the best way to let everyone know what's going on. My back was hurt but nothing major. I'm back to painting. I can't paint as many hours, but I can paint and glad to back doing what I love instead of picking up belongings out of debris and broken glass. Thank you in advance for all your prayers. I will keep you informed in my blog posts. ~ Blessings! Connie
To find out more information about this work, see my blog at A PAINTING FOR YOU!

"Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight." ~ Psalm 119:35.

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