Monday, August 31, 2009

Painting a Dog a Day by Kimberly Kelly Santini

FROM TOP: "Zonked I," 6" x 8", and "Zonked II," 4" x 8", both portraits of a mixed breed dog, done in acrylic on canvasboard, both in a private collection. Inquiries may come to me.

Remember Bailey? She's my brother's dog, the one I babysat in May, the one who promptly escaped and spent her day sightseeing around Lake Orion. Suffice it to say that the remainder of her stay was spent sound asleep (and on a very short leash when awake). I got a gazillion references of all the positions she slept in, in a variety of light sources. Just the sort of stuff to create nice paintings from, once the bitterness of spending a panicked afternoon hunting her down had somewhat faded.

Tonight I got to move a temporary studio into the Orion Township Public Library, where I gave a brief presentation on being a working artist, followed by a Dog-a-Day demo and a booksigning ofPainting a Dog a Day - the First Year (you can order your own copy here). ONTV, our local cable channel, filmed the discussion, so those of you who couldn't make it will get the opportunity to view the program at a later date (I'll keep you posted).

I'd like to thank the staff of the library for including me in so many of their summer programs this year. It is always a pleasure to be a part of your events.

I also owe a special thanks to tonight's participants, who came with great questions and observations. I'll try to finish up the demo painting later this week and share it with you all.

Thanks, as always, for looking at - and sharing - my artwork with your friends and family.
Kim Santini

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