Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Persimmon and Leaf by Marilyn M King

"Persimmon and Leaf"

6"x 9" Oil on stretched canvas.

This was one of those "STOP THE CAR" moments. Blocks down the street upon entering Mom and Dad's neighborhood, I could see a tree loaded with bright yellow fruit. I didn't know for sure what they were, but I knew they were good to paint if not to eat. Once again I "stole" a snipping from a stranger's yard. Bad me. Actually I had my hubby do the dirty deed with his trusty pocket knife.

After doing a search to make sure it was a persimmon, I found that this variety is the American one. The Japanese variety is shaped more like a tomato. What you hear about the pucker effect is true! Keep away from children and don't try this at home....

Holiday sale ! Click here to view my ebay listings.


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