Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Laatste keer." Doetinchem, Holland.

This is very strange for me, the place I am painting from
wasn't possible in all my life. All the green grass was build
and also a large parking for cattle carriers. Left from me
you should know there was a huge hall where a locale cattle
market was held each week. I grew up here, you can see my
street on the right, ... as a kid I would go up very VERY
early to see all the cattle and lorries that would load them out.
Sometimes a cow broke out and ended up in our garden,
you can imagine how that poor beast would feel after
running through several flower-gardens and hedges.

Now it's gonna developed and I reckon that everything you
see here is a one time possibility, ...

"Laatste keer." Doetinchem, Holland.
(Last time) Oil on panel.
24 x 30 cm.

Visit my blog: René PleinAir

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