Monday, December 12, 2011

Emily's Cupcake ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini


"Emily's Cupcake," a commmissioned still life painting, 8" square, done in acrylics on a panel, already in the hands of one of Santa's Helpers (Thank you, Santa, for enlisting me to as a helper, too, this year!).

I'm probably best known for my animal paintings, but I do love to work with other subjects. When asked if I could paint a cupcake for a special young lady, I replied with a "Could it be Red Velvet?"

"Why, yes, of course it can! That happens to be one of Emily's favorites!"


(and the best part was that I got to eat my prop after the fact!! oh no - wait - the best part was that I got paid to paint the cupcake, then to eat it!!)

Ask me about painting vintage toys and sweets.

Thank you so much for supporting my artwork and providing my livelihood,

PS The actual cupcake inspiring this painting hailed from a shower for Baby Seegs, my newest and longest awaited neice/nephew. In the interest of full disclosure, said cake was really chocolate, yet insanely delicious. I imagined the glow of a red velvet cake resting quietly in it's paper......

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