Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Two Miniature Mt. Hood Daily Paintings by Diana Moses Botkin

"Orchard View"
Original oil, 3"x3" in mini frame
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $60 + FREE S&H in USA

It's pretty much winter here in north Idaho these days with cold, grey short days. I've been remembering the sunshine and hot weather I enjoyed last August at the Columbia Gorge paint out and decided it would be a nice diversion to paint some miniatures from photos I took.

"Flaming Light"
Original oil, 2.25"x3.25" in mini frame
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $60 + FREE S&H in USA

What I've been working on lately have been somewhat larger pieces. It takes a lot more effort to finish a bigger canvas and it's a lot different maintaining energy and momentum for them.

So, doing the little Mt. Hood paintings was a nice break this week from working on several uncompleted paintings that are 11"x14". It sure feels good to get something finished. It's one of the joys of painting the little jewels.

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