Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daisy by Norma Wilson

#29 Daisy
6" by 6" original oil on panel


I worked on this daisy taken from a larger bouquet and it sat on my table by my studio window.  It is always a challenge working from life as the light is constantly changing as you work.  It was a fun exercise!  I had the second half of my crown work done today so I am finished and don't have to go back for six months!  Yeah!  It is the end of the month and I have not done a newsletter for January!  I decided to just do one this week for February and do two drawings for free paintings to make up for January.  It really was a busy month with the school shows and my painting a day challenge. You might notice that the number is not keeping up with the date as I started it on the second so I will have to post two one day. By the end of the year, I should have 366 as this is a leap year.  Well, my work day is complete and my grand puppy Jet is here for another sleep over so I will be hugging my two doggies and watching some
t.v.  Thank for stopping by!  

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