Monday, October 21, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

Worlds In reality, I don't think I ever wished for a lot of people to want my art or to even know who I am. I did, of course, want to be a better artist. But as anyone will tell you, it takes more than wishing to be good at anything. 

Reading/studying/learning new things/ and of course making what you learn your own. Developing a style and more. 

As I write I have a lot of work to do before my 9/5/14 show at the Artist League. I seem to have paintings due to almost anyone or everyone. But rather than become a raving lunatic, I am leading more. 

Google Gelli Plate and then imagine that medium wjth alcohol ink. Think it can't be done? I didn't. I tried it. 

Below are some examples. Whether the first, either way, will go into my league show, I don't know. But the third and fourth are backgrounds. . 

And from this work, a question nudges me. If you use a stamp is your artwork still unique?


Worlds Collide or Which Way is Up?


Reaching for the Sun. 

Background about Backgrounds

In writing we research, take notes, and lay a premise of our ideas. We may ask a question or we may have an argument. Somewhere a long the way, one hopes, we develop a thesis. 

In art for better or worse I either start with a background of start with the subject and add the background. My paint is tell a story but you, or even I, may not realizes it at first. 

This happens above. In the first I had a background and added the value of white like a planet or starship. In the second I had the flower and added the background. 

Below are foe backgrounds. Note we still have the theme of planets or of countries. 

Planets perhaps. 

Or Countries


Note, the next blog post might have something totally different. I don't want to show very many completed works, as some of you will come to my show. 

Please leave messages or thoughts. 


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