Monday, November 25, 2013

Favortie Color Watercolor Painting

Favorite Color watercolor painting is 12 X 16 inch abstract done with my daughter's poem (Singing Beach - below)  in mind.

 Singing Beach

 he asked my favorite color
and nay could i reply
I felt all the colors catch
a moment in my eye

 if calmness were a measure
and the oceans' natural hue
i found i could respond
the color would be blue

 but then there is the spring
my thoughts i found do lean
toward buds and new beginnings
my color would be green

 in truly seeking power
and things that move my stead
i think the answer would be clear
that color would be red

 and so you see i hastened
to answer too quickly
since a rainbow's essence without
all simply could not be

 © Cathleen Griffeth 2012


Please see the paintings purchasing information for some general information about pricing, or email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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