Monday, January 26, 2015

Norma Wilson Original Oil Duck Bird Wildlife Painting Art

Just Ducky!

6" by 6" original oil on panel


Can't believe it is day twenty-seven of the thirty day challenge!  About midway through,  I sometimes feel like I must have a screw loose somewhere but then I 
move past it and look back at what I have accomplished and realize how much I have grown in many ways.  I get more accomplished in other areas of my life and find that I stretch myself to paint some things that I have put off and instead of over analyzing, I just get it done.  I highly recommend it as a discipline.  Even if you don't commit to painting one a day, spending time at the easel each day is a great practice.   As I move beyond this challenge, I am making a commitment to myself to go into my studio for at least two hours a day Monday through Friday.  Even if there is no plan for a new piece, I find that being in my creative space can sometimes inspire me to do something, I wasn't even thinking about. Thank you for checking in with me!

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