Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Abstract Horse Oil Painting By Mary Jo Zorad

Arabian Abstract Horse Painting
Oil Painting
16" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Mary Jo Zorad
Fall is in the air today in the Pacific Northwest. A perfect day to meander on our property enjoying the cooler air nature’s beauty. Yesterday we again were reminded why the street is named coyote. In mid afternoon the fire sirens blasted down the main street and oh my did the coyotes howl. There is a traveling den in the neighborhood. They're back on the wetland property behind our fence. So close that the dogs are not happy, doing their own howling and barking. It is a bit unnerving listening to the howling sounds in mid afternoon. It has inspired me to work on finishing my wolf wildlife painting started a while ago. Today’s art of an Arabian horse abstract style commission painting has taken may forms. I like the earth tones of this painting.
Email Mary Jo Zorad
Available for Commissioned Paintings

Mary Jo Zorad, Olympia, WA
Mary Jo Zorad
Paintings here

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