Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Contemporary Expressionism Palette Knife Horse Painting By Jennifer Morrison

Flaming Hot Sorrow
Contemporary Expressionism Horse Painting
Oil On Canvas
12x24 Inches
Email Me At For More Information.
The above painting is named "Flaming Hot Sorrow". Of course I am in a lupus flare which had a dramatic impact creating this piece!  I scraped what was originally three horse faces, when I saw the figure of a single horse emerge in the first photo.  I thought I would share the progress with you.  I am often asked, "What does Lupus feel like?"  My skin is hot like fire to the touch, yet I am chilled to the bone. My muscles are so sore to the touch that I cannot be hugged.  My joints get achy, sharp stabbing pains in them. I get fevers and I feel like I'm coming down with the flu.  By 7 p.m. I am so wore out, I am collapsed in bed. The look on this horse is how I feel on the inside.  I am on 1000 mgs of meds a day.  On the outside, I put on a large smile, and I pull myself through the day with a great attitude with all the hope that tomorrow will be a better day!

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