Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two New ACEOs by Diana Moses Botkin

"Key on Blue"
Original oil on canvas, 2.5"x3.5"

sent in protective ACEO sleeve
©2009 Diana Moses Botkin

Purchase here.

While I'm busy with commissions this week, I hope to paint at least a small warm-up to show you here on my blog most days.

And it's nearing time for our September Challenge (which is in a couple of days, in fact!). I've invited a new member to the group, Suzanne Berry. I know I'm looking forward to her whimsical outlook for our monthly Challenges.

"On a Chain"
Original oil on canvas, 2.5"x3.5"

sent in protective ACEO sleeve
©2009 Diana Moses Botkin

Purchase here.

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