Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Elin Pendleton Finishes the Tennessee Walker Commission

Here's the finished 11 x 14 oil commission of the Tennessee Walker done and ready to ship. Yes, the Odie boy is a light champagne instead of palomino, so most of the finish work to the signature was done on his coloration. The new owner is very pleased, and so am I that I can present this to her sister. This rescue horse has helped her in many ways--just like my animals around me offer support and unconditional love as I meander through my waking moments.

But meandering is not on the agenda for the next few days as I work on filming the paintings for the next DVD--"Misty Light and Twilight Paintings" (or something like that). Titles come later. Below is the first image for the first of two paintings--the 18 x 24 oil that will be misty light. I won't share all the details (Because that will be in the DVD as I never hush up while filming!) but will let you peek at the progress on this one and the next one as the filming goes forward. Then there will be 16-hour days in the cave with the Mac G5 and the editing software to put all the pieces together into the master DVD for the duplication service. Yes, I do it alone...sigh.

And then there's the cover, the DVD label, the packaging and getting the DVDs ready to ship when they come back from the duplication service. Can you say "where's the wine?"

You can see my entire blog HERE.
My workshop schedule for 2009 is HERE.
Color System information can be found HERE.
If you need to email me directly, please click here.

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