Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Moses Botkin Challenge Group for June: Favorite Blanket, Shawl, or Scarf

The June challenge was chosen by group member Suzanne Berry. I actually had started a much different painting last week for this idea but changed my mind about it at the last minute and set this one up instead.

The little quilt is something I made years ago. I started it when I was pregnant with my first child, sewing together the pieces by hand on occasional car trips. I think I finally finished it during pregnancy number three and hung it over the edge of the baby crib. I dug it out of storage recently in anticipation of our first grandchild being born.

The vintage dolly is one I had as a kid long ago. After receiving the expensive toy, I promptly gave her a haircut, effectively ruining any collector value. She was loved, though, and I made little outfits for her by hand as a child from scrap material.

If you're wondering who Chloë is, she is my brand new granddaughter. Our family is very blessed and we give thanks for a safe delivery.

"Waiting for Chloë" 8x10" Oil on hardboard
Diana Moses Botkin

Buy this painting on PayPal
Price: $325 USD plus $12 S&H

Our monthly painting group membership is now a cozy array of five. You can see the varied and imaginative pieces the other four created for our June Challenge at my blog.

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