Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Daily Paintings by Diana Moses Botkin ... Revisited

This summer has presented some unique blessings and challenges. You can read all about them at my blog.

If you've been wondering why you haven't seen a lot of new daily paintings here much of this year, that's why. Plus, I've also been working on some larger pieces that you'll see eventually.

Here are a couple of my small works that I revised recently to bump up color and contrast a little for more drama.

I hope you enjoy them.

"Evening Mirror"
Oil 5x7"
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin


"Summer Blush"
Oil 7x5"
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin

These and others are available for sale at
my DailyPainters Gallery page.

And I'm offering free shipping on most work this summer. Enjoy it while you can.

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