Monday, November 8, 2010

Come & Play ~~ Painting a Dog a Day by Kimberly Kelly Santini

Still in process - "Come" and "Play," each 8" square, Golden Open Acrylics on Ampersand Gessobord, portraits of Oreo, a delightful little put bull who recently was adopted.

Oreo came into the Berkeley (California) East Bay Humane Society as a 4 month old pup with mutilated ears and an injured leg. He spent some time healing, then learning manners, before finding his forever home. Which didn't take long - after all, he is a charmer, with looks and style. How can anyone resist?

I'm still working on Oreo's two paintings and should have them done in another day or two, but if you are interested in one, please let me know, so that I may set it aside for you.

Proceeds from the sale of Oreo's portraits will go to the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society as appreciation for the care they gave this special dog.

Do you know a companion animal like Oreo? Please drop me a line and we can talk about including him/her in the Dog a Day Gratitude Project.

Thanks for looking at, and sharing, my artwork with your friends and family -

PS An uber huge thanks to San Francisco photographer Kira Stackhouse of Nuena Photography for partnering with Painting a Dog a Day and sharing biographies and stories of shelter animals in her area.

Wipe Out!!

It's a little known fact that behind every successful painting an artist creates are a number of mess-ups. I am no exception.

I toss at least one painting out of ten. Or I paint over it (like in the case of "Come") and try a second time.

Don't you remember the old adage "try, try again" ? I think it was originally used by cavemen when they were unhappy with the depth of field in their cave drawings. Although then it sounded a little bit differently and was accompanied with hand gestures and grunting.

We've retained the whole gesturing concept, even today.

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