Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Miniature Paintings by Diana Moses Botkin

"March Snow" and "Cold Spring Evening"
original minature oils
Diana Moses Botkin

I took this photo for a buyer in Malaysia so she could see what the frames looked like on these two miniature oil paintings. I added the 25 cent piece and the house key in the picture for scale reference.

She decided she wanted to have these little jewels framed herself so I'm mailing them unframed. I'm glad to give her the choice; I want her to be pleased.

Framing is such an individual decision based on personal taste and often, decor. It's hard to guess what a future buyer might want. I'm a painter, not a framer.

So, sometimes a buyer wants the paintings ready to hang in the frames I've chosen and other times they prefer to have them framed themselves. Either way is fine with me.

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