Thursday, November 18, 2010

Parker Wetlands

Plein air pastel landscape of a Michigan wetlands in mid November.

Pastel painting 11 inches x 8 inches

Please contact me if you are interested in this painting or similar artwork.

Last week, my friend Cecily and I braved the cold and set out to find a nice spot to paint outdoors. We felt the need to commemorate our artist friend Mary Beth Koeze who had just passed away, and, when you think of it, what could be more appropriate than to create art?

I think this is probably my last Michigan plein air pastel painting of the season. It was COLD. My fingers were numb and my ears frozen. How artists paint in deep winter, I'll never know. But this wetland area had always intrigued me and I'm happy we seized the moment to capture some of its beauty.

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