Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tweety Gets A Makeover

Tweety Gets A Makeover!
6" by 6" original oil on wrap around canvas with sides painted.

This little guy was posted awhile back but I wasn't happy with the background after spending some
time with him.  I am pleased with him now and thought I would share his new look!  Today was spent getting ready for company coming in tomorrow and also doing some marketing work and studio clean up.  I will be getting ready to do a show at Greenbrier Farms Oyster and South Festival which promises to be great fun.  I will have a tent with my latest works and there will be live bands,oyster shucking, tractor pulls, lots of great food, beer, and wine from local eateries.  It will be held on November 20th from 1 to 6.  Please come help support this fundraiser for CHKD and enjoy a wonderful family harvets day!
For more information on this piece, contact me at normasart@cox.net 

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