Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Yorkie Profile ~~ Painting a Dog a Day by Kimberly Kelly Santini

"A Yorkie Profile," 8" x 10", Golden Open Acrylics on an Ampersand Gessobord, commissioned portrait of a much loved and very missed Yorkie. The painting is a Christmas gift, so please, if you think you know this little one's family, refrain from mentioning a thing. We can keep secrets, right?

I shot video footage of this painting in progress - once I get the piece edited and uploaded to YouTube, I'll add it to the Painting a Dog a Day blog. This should be highly entertaining given that I realized mid-stream I was gulping my lunch down, all on camera. Anyone care to join me for a turkey on wheat?

Since I'm getting a lot more time at the easel these days (the kids are all over the computer every minute they are home), I can squeeze in a few more holiday portraits. Send me an email and we can start talking about how to get you at the top of someone's list of favorite peeps.

Thanks for looking at, and sharing, my artwork with your friends and family -

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