Thursday, December 23, 2010

"A Romantic Memory" ~ 7" x 5" A Painting A Day Hudson River School Landscapes by Connie Tom

In his journals, Delacroix said that colors are "the music of the eyes," that they "combine like sounds" that create harmonies rivaling those produced by the great composers with great orchestras. In fact, he says: "Certain color harmonies produce sensations that even music cannot achieve." It is my goal to produce color harmonies that create positive and uplifting sensations.
The setting, the light and colors are all reflective of a wintery scene in time past... when a night out on the town meant a romantic ride in a horse drawn carriage with the one you love. It meant milling around and greeting others out on the street, visiting the little sidewalk shops and outside cafes. It's about evening twilight and the street lights are reflecting in the wet pavement. Even the horse is decked out with bells on his bridle. The carriage has stopped. A gentleman is waiting by the carriage while the lady is talking with a street vendor selling flowers. I painted this work in a little more impressionistic style than is my usual, which the blurriness I think adds to the idea that it's a memory. This painting evokes feelings of true love, peace and joy, wholesomeness, purity, light and feelings of harmony and well-being. I hope you enjoy this painting as much as I enjoyed painting it. ~ Connie

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised: And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works." ~ Hebrews 10:23-24.

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