Friday, December 24, 2010

Wrapped by Helen Read

Wrapped,  9 x 12" colored pencil on black paper
©2010, Helen Read 

Merry Christmas!   As I've been working along on this one,  the idea of being wrapped and Christmas and gifts has all come together in a few Christmas-y thoughts!  The very best gift of all time came "wrapped" in the form of a tiny newborn.  The wrapping was lovely, no doubt, as all newborns are in their newness of life!   However, this particular gift - given a little more than 2000 years ago, was delivered into this world, a gift from our heavenly Father - Almighty God.  In this wrapping was his own son!   Out of the unspeakable beauty of heaven, Jesus came in humility to this world for the purpose of rescuing us from the grip of darkness!  A gift freely given.  A gift for all who would simply believe that His ultimate sacrifice was enough to shatter the grip of the spiritual and eternal death that has stalked each one of us and holds us captive.   

What motivated this kind of entry into our history and into our realm?  His love.  Pure and simple, it was the immeasurable love of God and the same love of Jesus that brought him to us, to live among us, to make a way for us to live with him forever.... if we so choose!  

What a gift!  Our rescuer came for us before we even knew we needed to be rescued!  That gift came wrapped as a newborn baby, was announced to shepherds by angels, and worshiped by wise men who followed an unusual star miles and miles.  This same Jesus is still worshiped today - King of all kings.  Lord of all lords.  Mighty God.    Our Emmanuel ~ God living among us!

Helen Read -  The Studio Upstairs
Wheaton, IL  - United States

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