Sunday, January 2, 2011


Close up
Oil on 5x7 hardboard.
This is for the WDE at Wet Canvas. The reference photo was supplied by Jean.

Happy New Year, friends! I hope this will be a good one for you. I'm sure the upcoming year will require many, many, wise decisions-both on our part and the government's ...thus the owl.

About this painting...first the panel was coated with a mixture of white and black gesso to make a dark value gray. I made sure to leave plenty of brush stokes, which later will enrich the painting.
Then thinned acrylic pthalo blue and alizarin crimson were applied. Some will peek through in the finished piece. I feel this harmonizes and energizes the painting.
Most all the paint strokes are put on thinly. Some strokes are lightly dragged across the textured primer. This allows the paint to be picked up by the ridges in the a delicate texture to the feathers.
Around the focal point of the eyes, I applied the paint thickly, usually in a single stroke to maintain the feel.
At the moment I'm happy with it. Hope ya'll enjoy it!

...Contact me at kkayangel2(at) if interested.

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Deanos Den
Luke 6:21 Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.

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