Friday, February 4, 2011

The Lost Falls

Plein air watercolor landscape of a waterfall in Montana

Plein air Watercolor painting 4 inches x 9.5 inches

Please contact me if you are interested in this or similar artwork.
On one of my favorite trips out West with my sister included a slow meandering through Yellowstone Park. We came from Montana and explored the northern part of this national treasure. Beth was an angel and allowed me to stop and paint wherever my heart desired. We drove by this small but powerful water cascade and I just had to capture it in a plein air watercolor landscape. Beth obligingly set up her portable chair and delved into a novel. An hour later, we were ready to resume or wanderings. However, by that point, the keys to our car had gone missing. It was late afternoon and I can remember our pure panic at being stuck out in the wilderness with no way home.
Luckily they turned up, and we didn't kill each other in the process. Plus, the experience gave me a perfect title for the watercolor painting. Bonus!

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