Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Broken Glass Daily Paintings by Diana Moses Botkin

"Remnant" Original Oil 5"x4"
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin

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Price: $75 USD + $8 S&H

This glass broke on my bathroom counter when it slipped out of my hand one evening. I carefully picked up the pieces and set them aside, thinking how interesting they might be for a still life study.

Glass is always a challenge to paint and the broken piece was something I had not tried before. It does look a little scary, but don't worry, there's no deep meaning to this little painting or dark statement behind my purpose for this piece. It is simply a study of interesting edges.

"All Cracked Up" Original oil 4"x6"
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin

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Price: $99 USD + $10 S&H

It's funny, or perhaps a bit odd, what an artist might save because the thing is interesting. All sorts of objects are inspiring to me, including these broken bits of green glass, formerly a party punch cup.

It, like that glass in the bathroom, slipped out of my hand onto the concrete not long ago. Not a good mix: gravity, glass and concrete.

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