Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Into the Light", 16x12, oil on linen-$200, by Maryanne Jacobsen

"Into the Light", 16x12, oil on linen-$200, by Maryanne Jacobsen

Believe it or not this was the very first still life that I ever painted! I'll never forget how proud I was of this painting! I took a workshop with a lovely man named Louis Tedesco, who studied for many years with David Leffel and his wife Sherrie McGraw. That was back in 2007 and I recall that I was a little intimidated at the time by all the talented people in the class.

Louis was a sweetheart, God rest his soul, and was very attentive to me in spite of my inexperience. I have messed around with the painting quite a bit since I first painted it. It's not as tight as it was originally, and I suppose that's not a bad thing.

I'll never forget Louis and what a nice man he was, as well as an incredibly talented artist. Louis, I hope you are painting in heaven with Michelangelo and company!

I need to stop holding on to paintings because I am attached to them for one sentimental reason or another. So if you'd like to purchase my very first still life painting, please use the PayPal button available at my blog at Paint Dance.

To see more of my art, please visit my official website at Maryanne Jacobsen Fine Art.

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