Monday, September 19, 2011

Nuzzling Hope ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini


"Nuzzling Hope," 6" x 8", done in Golden Open Acrylics on a Raymar panel. Commissioned portrait of a paint mare and foal, the latest painting in my Gratitude Series (paintings of animals who were once homeless).

Hope (the mare above) and Lucky Star (the foal) were 2 of a dozen horses rescued in Arizona this summer. Abandoned, malnourished, some injured, most suffering from foot problems/abcesses/serious infections, the horses were in rough shape.

They were moved to a clean and safe facility, Hoofbeats With Heart, where they received proper veterinary care and nourishment, among other things like feet trimmings, baths, and TLC (You can see photos on a Facebook page dedicated to the 12 horses' recovery).

All 12 have all been adopted out - what a fabulously happy ending to the story, right? Yeah, I agree!

My client, who was involved in the rescue, commissioned Hope and Lucky Star's portrait. She is donating this original painting to Hoofbeats With Heart, where the piece will be auctioned off as part of their Charity Horse Show the weekend of October 1st.

Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my paintings with your friends and family,

Holiday Cards

This year I have a reliable vendor who can deliver custom notecards bearing the image of your favorite Dog a Day painting.

Whether you are mailing or gifting, these notecards will bring smiles and warm hugs to the recipient.

Order "Holiday Lights" (above), Mona Lisa's first Christmas portrait, here.

Or browse the nearly 200 images I have available here.

Don't see what you want? Shoot me an email and I'll dig it out for you!!

Thanks so much!


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