Friday, October 7, 2011

Hugs, Purrs and Stripes ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini

"Hugs, Purrs and Stripes," 6" x 8", a portrait of sibling tabby kittens. This painting was done in Golden Open Acrylics on a Raymar panel, and several in process photos are in the Mobile Uploads folder on the studio's Facebook page.

This painting is headed to a new home (THANK YOU!), but I can always create something equally spectacular especially for you. That IS my job. Email me.

It's Homecoming Weekend in my little town. The parade comes past our house, and already things are bustling. With one son in the Marching Band and another playing football, this weekend is a pretty big deal. We've been blessed with gorgeous weather, and I hope that everyone in Lake Orion and beyond has a safe weekend.

Go Dragons!!

Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my paintings,

Mother Color

The idea of using a "Mother Color" is an exercise I first discovered via Vicki McMurray (I highly recommend her book "Mastering Color.)

Working with a "Mother Color" ensures a painting full of harmony - since every mixture in your painting is tinted (or includes) a touch of the same color/pigment. 

Can you guess what my Mother Color was in this piece?

If you said Dioxazine Purple, you win a prize!! Treat yourself to something extra yummy and calorific.

Even the kitties white markings are lavender - they only appear white by association (another great painting lesson - it all being relative!).

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