Monday, October 3, 2011

Katie and Mollie, A Painted Sketch ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini


"Katie and Mollie," commissioned sketch portraits of two fabulous ladies, both rescues. The image is approzimately 6" x 4" and roughly centered on an 11" x 14" piece of multimedia artists paper, done in Golden Open Acrylics.

I ask my clients to share a bit of the dogs' personalities with me, just so that I get a strong sense of who they are in addition to what they look like.

Here's what I learned about Katie (on the left) and Mollie (on the right):

"Katie's a jumper, a barker, a kisser, and a total nut.  She's also a total spaniel - where she wants to be is RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, if not on top of you - and she loves nothing in the world so much as a belly rub.  Except possibly food."

"Molly's got a hefty dose of Chow Zen.  She's also got a lot of street smarts - which means, in part, that she knows how to catch her own food.  I can number at least three occasions where I stood on the sidewalk and said "DROP IT. DROP IT. DO NOT EAT IT. Ohh, crap. DON'T LICK ME, LIZARD BREATH." "

So there you have it. Katie and Mollie. And an unfortunate lizard.

Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my paintings,
PAINTING WORKSHOP, October 8th, Lake Orion Michigan, 10am-4pm. Email me for additional information.


It's  Football Season!


Mona helped cheer the MSU Spartans and the Detroit Lions onto great victories this weekend.

And tomorrow we'll be cheering on The Caped Crusader's football team. 

Well, not Mona. After all the driving rain and gusty wind at his last game, she's opted to stay home. Maybe she'll get dinner started for us.

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