Monday, October 24, 2011

Wrigley, A Painted Sketch ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini


"Wrigley," a commissioned portrait and painted sketch of a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. The image is approximately 5-1/2" x 3", roughly centered on an 8" x 10" piece of multimedia artists paper, and shortly headed out to his new home (THANK YOU!).

HOWEVER - this one is an intended Christmas gift - there can't be that many CBRs names Wrigley, so if you know him/his family, "mums" the word, ok? Otherwise, you'll get me in big trouble!!

There are a few pre-holiday commissioned spots left - if you act quickly, I can schedule your gift giving on my calendar. Just let me know, as I am not a mind-reader!!

I love to paint friendly, gregarious dogs as though they are dripping with color. It suites their likenesses very well, don't you think?

Last week I added a few new colors to my palette,** and Wrigley's luscious, wet coat gave me the perfect excuse to play with all of them. My new favorite has to be Medium Magenta - it's a great warm pink that adds life to browns and reds.

Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my artwork,

**I work with what is called a Limited Palette, which means I set the same colors out every day for each of my paintings. I've written about the value of working in a limited palette previously on my blog.

Ebooks Now Available!

Every year I publish a volume highlighting my daily paintings and other studio events. To date, I have authored three:


These books can be ordered in traditional bound volumes or inNEW!! (and very affordable) ebook formats. 

They are only $9.99 each - yes, it's much lower than the printed volumes, but the information is entirely the same. 


I'm continuing to edit and put finishing touches on the newest book of daily pet portraits, titled simply Cheers (2010).

And I'm fine tuning a children's book of color, titled A Dog Named Blue.

It is my goal to get both of these books out - via printed volumes AND ebook formats - in time for holiday gift giving.

Watch this blog for publishing date announcements!

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