Friday, November 18, 2011

8x10 oil sketch by Margaret Aycock

Goodness, is Oklahoma weather unpredictable.  My students have been wanting to try their hand at onsite painting.  Yesterday, driving to school I thought, " well, today is the day."  We packed up our easels and hiked across campus to catch the last few leaves of autumn.  This pretty little tree was lucky enough to still have it's leaves and so it got painted.  I have it on auction this week on my ebay site.  If you would like to bid on it or my other auctions click here    While you are there see if you can find the painting that is listed for a start price of only $12 with no reserve.  happy bidding!  If you are interested in purchasing one of my full color books on painting in oil or one of my dvds click here to go to my blog

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