Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cat Portrait Commission by Diana Moses Botkin

"J.J." Original oil, 7"x5"
Commissioned cat portrait
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin

This little cat painting is one of the projects that I've finished lately. The commissioned portrait was challenging and interesting, too. At first I was really concerned that this handsome fellow blended in with the background too much from the photos sent to me by my client. Even though I simplified and neutralized the landscape, the cat was quite camouflaged.

Then my son made the comment, "But isn't that the point?". So he does look like he's designed to blend in with his surroundings, like many animals naturally do. My purchaser is pleased with the painting which makes me very happy. I'm glad to be able to provide this lasting tribute to a beloved pet for her to enjoy and remember J.J.

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