Sunday, November 13, 2011

"A Checkered Gala Affair", by Eleanor Erickson Hargrave (AVAILABLE)

"A Checkered Gala Affair", 8" x 8", Oil on Canvas. This oil painting was transpired when I went to the market and bought a little sack of Gala Apples. They were so very fresh and pretty, all ranges of colors from reds to pinks and yellows, blending personalities of their own. Stripes and speckles as only a Gala can do. I came home and set them on a blue and white checkered plate and proceeded to sketch out my plan..wondering if the checks on the plate were going to give me trouble.  I don't like too many dots or too many checkered patterns in one painting, so we shall see if I diffused the ones in the back enough. I like to paint in my impressionistic style and I hope you enjoy!  Please look at my art blog  Please email me if you are interested in purchasing this painting. Thank you.

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