Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Molly and Shadow ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini


From left: "Molly" and "Shadow," commissioned dog portraits of two Standard Poodles, each 10" square, done in acrylics on panel (and still on my easel, although drying). Private collection.

In progress photos are on the studio Facebook page.

I am grateful for the opportunity to add Molly and Shadow to my portfolio - just as I have been with the other 1200+ faces that have been part of the Painting a Dog a Day project and crossed my easel since 2006.

I have the best job ever, and it's all because of you. You share your stories, your encouragement, your companions, the occasional bite of chocolate and much, much more.

Thank you from the depths of my heart,


Let Them
Eat Turkey!
(or Tofu)

Tomorrow I will not be in the studio - but I will be enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with my family.

And I will also be thanking each and every one of you for keeping my dream alive and helping the studio to thrive in an economy that isn't supporting many dreams or much thriving.

I'll be ducking in and out of the studio during the course of the weekend, but I will not be sharing any new paintings or updating much of anything until Monday.

Enjoy the break!

And Happy Thanksgiving!


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