Monday, March 12, 2012

'Gloria' by Judy Crowe

'Gloria'  20x16 oil on linen (head study)

Hi Friends,
I attend a portrait group on Fridays in The Woodlands, Texas and Gloria was our model last week.  She had such an interesting face and she was so still.  It was fun painting her and I thought I'd share this study with you even though I didn't finish it.  Richard Schmid says in his book 'Alla Prima, Everything I know about painting' that  a painting should hold it's own even if you don't have the time to finish it.  (check out his website at  

I was happy with her face for the most part, I mean to say, at this point in my study of faces and heads.  I'm really enjoying working on these character studies and I'm really learning a lot about drawing, edges, and color. 
I've revamped my website, changed the color and added prices for all work. 
Thanks for letting me share with you!

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