Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Jetty at High Tide, Trouville... after Eugene Boudin" by Bernie Rosage Jr.

Title: "Jetty at High Tide, Trouville... after Eugene Boudin"
Artist: Bernie Rosage Jr.
Size: 6x8"
Medium and Surface: Acrylic on gessoed panel
Price: $40

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About this painting:
I love to study and work from the old masters. This small painting is a cover of a portion of a larger work by Eugene Boudin titled, “Jetty at High Tide, Trouville.” I have been an admirer and student of Boudin’s work for some time but had the privilege of seeing his work in person for the first time at the Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism Exhibit (October 21, 2007–January 20, 2008) at the North Carolina Museum of Art.

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