Friday, June 22, 2012

Two New Panoramic Storm Paintings by Diana Moses Botkin

I'm enjoying using a wide or tall format for some recent works, including this new piece.

The panorama made for a dramatic statement about that glow at the horizon contrasted with the dark storm clouds and shadowed landscape.

(above) "Slice of Bright" Original oil 4"x12" in dark wood frame with gold highlight
©2012 Diana Moses Botkin

Buy the painting above on PayPal
Price: $250 USD + $12 S&H

(left) "Storm Over the Hill"
Original oil, 7"x11"
in platinum toned decorative frame

©2012 Diana Moses Botkin

Buy the painting at left on PayPal
Price: $350 USD plus $12 S&H

Thunderstorms are always a source of fascination and intrigue for me. I especially enjoy seeing the cloud forms in rosy evening light, contrasted with the sky colors and darkening landscape below.

I think if I were to paint this subject only I would have more than enough material to keep me inspired and challenged for the rest of my life.

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