Friday, August 3, 2012

Fence Line by Helen Read

August Featured Painting!
(for the month of August only) 

Fence Line, 5x7" Oil on canvas
©2012, Helen Read 
Ready to Frame
(Please add $10.00 shipping in US, IL residents please add 8.25% sales tax)

This little landscape is a monthly featured painting.   I painted it in recognition of the several severe storms we've faced in the mid west this summer.  They've been severe when they've arrived, but then a rather lengthy drought between.   

This is a very typical fence line of the southwest, often made of sturdy tree branches with barbed wire strung between them. If you look closely, you will see small flowers embedded in the fence line as well. Also quite typical!  This evokes many memories of my childhood, growing up on ranch land. 

This featured price is offered for the month of August only.  If it is still available after August, it will revert to the price that's typical for this size oil painting ($100). 
It can be shipped within a few days of purchase.

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