Monday, May 12, 2008

Elin Pendleton - Between Georgia Workshops, May 12

Here's an acrylic demonstration piece I did, 9 x 12 inches showing a cow in evening light. A quick study with lots of loose brushwork, this was done in the first Color Boot Camp last week, here in Dawsonville, Georgia.

I've been enjoying my stay in Georgia for the past ten days, and have begun the second Color Boot Camp for "repeat offenders"--another group of folks with a passion for getting color right, right from the start, using the Color System I've devised. I've done some demonstration paintings, and will share them with you here.

Georgia is full of gorgeous scenery, not the least of which is the Amicalola River in the Dawson County Forest. This is not far from where we are holding the workshop--and I'm holding Sparky as he looks at the enticing water movement! Bringing him along on the plane trip and having him as my shadow/companion has been a pure joy. Many painting subjects abound in the area, and I can hardly keep my brushes still! I've done eight paintings so far, and in the morning I'm taking the class of nine students down to this river again for an on-location lesson at 7 a.m. Most are painting with oils, but there are four acrylic painters in the group!

You can see my entire blog here.

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