Thursday, September 4, 2008

Norma Wilson Original Oil White Spotted Cow Cattle Art

White Spotted Cow In The Spotlight

18" by 24" original oil on wrap around canvas with sides painted.

I really thought I'd be tired of painting cows by now but find myself actually enjoying it more and more and trying different ways to portray what I see and feel. I have had many favorites but this one really is very exciting to me. She is striking and rich with light and shadow. I hope you like her as much as I do! Can't believe tomorrow is yet another Friday! I do feel that I enjoy each moment of every day so it is not flying by without me but I am more aware of how short life is the older I get. Enjoy every moment of your day and weekend! Hugs, Norma Click to Bid!

1 comment:

Delilah said...


Best one yest