Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Candy Cane ~~ Kimberly Kelly Santini


In Process (and nearly finished!!) "Candy Cane," from The Gratitude Series, 10" square, portrait of the tabby studio muse Mona Lisa, done in acrylics on panel. This painting can be yours for $489 - email me to make it happen.

Mona spent most of yesterday lounging on The Man Child's red striped buttondown - I draped it over her fav napping spot and studied the patterns all afternoon. Today I woke up itching to paint it all, only to discover that The Man Child decided to wear said shirt to school. Murphy's Law in effect, people!

I'll get this image loaded onto FineArtAmerica for holiday card orders in the next couple days. I'll post an update here and on the blog when I have set things up.

If you are interested, Mona Lisa's latest portrait was photographed in process many many times (this one took me an absurd amount of hours!!) - you can see it all on the studio Facebook page.

I'm always looking for new Gratitude muses (animals hailing from a shelter). Email me if you know of one. Bonus - if I paint your muse, I make a donation to your shelter when the original sells.

Thanks, as always, for looking at and sharing my artwork,

Happy Holidays

Everyone else has their holiday decorations up, so I suppose I can share some seasonal imagery, too! But don't go thinking I've got the house all decorated - there's still Halloween stuff about!!

Above is Mona Lisa's first holiday painting, from last year, just a few months after she joined our family.

This painting and over 100 others are available as notecards via my FineArtAmerica storefront. In instances where the original painting has sold, giclees can also be purchased.

Art makes a fabulous gift.

I'm just saying...... 


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