Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Louisiana Marshes by Judy Crowe

Hi Friends!  These are both plein air studies of the Louisiana bayou.  I've painted in this spot for several years in a row and no matter how many times you paint this spot, it's always different.  That's one of the great things about painting on location in my mind-trying to capture that particular moment in time that will never be again....  Monet gave us a glimpse of this when he painted his water lilies on different days under all kinds of light conditions and situations.  His hay bales also were painted over and over again while he examined color and light.  I try to remember some of the things he said:

 Paint what you really see, not what you think you ought to see; not the object isolated as in a test tube, but the object enveloped in sunlight and atmosphere, with the blue dome of Heaven reflected in the shadows. (Claude Monet)

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Approaching Sun 9x12

Morning Shower  8x10

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