Saturday, July 6, 2019

Waiting for Grandpa Original Oil Painting by Margaret Aycock.

Well cropping usually belongs to the watercolor painters but I think I am going to use it on this painting.  This was originally a 16x20 painting of one of my 3rd cousins who was waiting to see her grandpa's boat come into the harbor in Alaska.  I loved the photo and worked from that but when I finished the painting seemed to be less and less about the little girl and that wasn't my intention so.... I cut it out of the stretchers and will crop the painting on photo shop a time or two to see what best serves the intent of the painting and then stretch it anew.  I liked her whole outfit as to me it really says " I live in Alaska."  But I may loose the little boots to cropping.  Haven't decided yet.  If you would like to visit my artist blog, click here  I have paintings/books/DVDs for sale and a link to my ebay gallery.

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